Saturday, January 25, 2020
Alls Well That Ends Well as Fairy Tale and Morality Play :: Alls Well That Ends Well Essays
All's Well That Ends Well as Fairy Tale and Morality Play Shakespeare employed two ancient story-telling forms in writing All's Well That Ends Well. One, the fairy tale, he inherited from his source. The other, the morality play, he worked into the story. The type of fairy and folk tales of which All's Well That Ends Well is an example are known as Virtue stories. These are composed of two major sections: The Healing Of The King and The Fulfillment Of The Tasks. These tales can be found in the early literature of cultures the world over and have two qualities in common: the cleverness and devotion of the woman sent by her husband to perform the tasks, and the husband's immediate acceptance of the fulfillment of the tasks as evidence of the wife's courage and love. The Healing Of The King in All's Well is a variation of a common popular theme: a hero wins the hand of the king's daughter by performing a difficult task, in which failure will cost him his life. Boccaccio and Shakespeare add interest by switching the genders of the characters. Shakespeare also drew on the morality plays, a popular medieval theatrical form in which characters representing good and evil struggle for the soul of the hero. In All's Well Shakespeare has created similar relationships by adding the character of Parolles. Parolles acts as Vice personified, and Helena acts as Divine Grace. Together they struggle for the soul of Bertram, unredeemed man. Shakespeare carefully weaves these two forms together at two major points in the action. Helena's healing of the king operates on the level of fairy tale and carries hints of the miraculous as well. Lafeu calls it "A showing of a heavenly effect in an earthly actor." At the end of the play, Bertram's acceptance of Helena fits the Virtue story form. It also reflects the point in morality plays when unredeemed man, burdened by sin and about to be carried off to the everlasting torments of hell, calls for mercy. However, unlike the characters in morality plays and fairy tales, Shakespeare's characters are realistic in their motivations and behavior. Can a fairy tale work in the complex lives of real people?
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Unit 332 Engage in Personal Development
Unit 332 – Engage in personal development in health, social care or children’s and young people’s settings. OUTCOME 1 1. 1 My responsibilities and duties include †¢ Helping pupils individually and in groups †¢ Support literacy †¢ Support numeracy †¢ Support science †¢ Supervising art activities †¢ Listening pupils read †¢ Support PE lessons †¢ Support the use of ICT in learning activities †¢ Supervising role play activities †¢ Supporting other members of staff †¢ Feedback teacher Going on school trips †¢ Providing resources for lessons †¢ Providing clerical support 1. 2 Since National Occupational Standards were introduced, the role of the TA becomes professional. It specifies the standard of performance we need to achieve in place of work together with knowledge and understanding that we need to meet standards consistently. What it means is that we need to develop all the time in order to keep in p eace with ever changing demands of the education.Also gaining Level 3 qualification gives us great opportunity to progress to the foundation degree. Teaching assistants should have qualities like: to be good communicators, use initiative, be a good listener, respect confidentiality, have emotional intelligence, be consistent, have sense of humour, will undertake CPD. OUTCOME 2 1. Practitioners should reflect on their practice in order to achieve good results in professional development. Being reflective: †¢ Demonstrates that practitioners are actively concerned about the aims. Enables practitioners to monitor, evaluate and revise their own practice continuously †¢ Requires an ability to look carefully at practice in order to develop new skills and understanding †¢ Requires an open-minded attitude †¢ Enhances professional learning and personal fulfilment through collaboration and dialogue between practitioners What does reflection involves? †¢ Reflection â₠¬ in†action, or thinking on your feet †¢ Reflection â€Å"on†action, or after the event †¢ Our thoughts and ideas †¢ Our colleagues ideas The views and knowledge gained from our own experiences and that of theoretical literature It might be hard to reflect on practice if we have negative feelings like anger or anxiety, lack of confidence, questions if my behaviour is consistent with model behaviour. Unrealistic, high expectations – I am a perfectionist, reluctance to accept help and admittance to weakness. 2. I reflected on my practice by completing PDP and answering 11 questions (see attachment 1 and 2). The aim was to spot where my strengths and weaknesses lie.In what ways I have succeeded in classroom and in what ways can I improve? To ensure â€Å"best†practice. To see what training might be necessary. This gives me the chance to build on my strengths and develop strategies to minimise my weaknesses. I also did my SWOK analysis (atta chment 3). 3. Everyone has different values, beliefs and preferences. We might get across people whose views we do not agree, our reaction to the differences and how they affect the way we work is a crucial part of personal and professional development.We need to respect and promote people’s individual views and wishes. Everyone’s values and beliefs are affected to different degrees by the same range of factors, they might include: family values, psychical, social and emotional stages of development, national/regional, cultural background, education, employment, religious beliefs and values. They might affect how we relate to people. It is important that we are aware of how we might behave differently towards people because it could make a difference to the quality of our work.Our beliefs and experiences can help us within our role. OUTCOME 3 4. 1 It is important to continuously engage in personal development to make sure that we are equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge not only to perform our current role but also to prepare ourselves for future opportunities and changes required in order to support success of our work place. There are ways in which we can plan personal development. through many types of learning experiences.We can attend training event or workshop, studying for a formal qualification, reading a newspaper, journal, even in discussion. In order to aid the continuous learning, we should keep personal development record. Is it important to identify priorities when agreeing to the plan because it contributes to stability and growth. It provides a basis for monitoring progress, and for assessing results and impact. It enables to look into future in orderly and systematic way, provides clear focus.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
The Debate Over Presidential Debates - 1079 Words
What topics are labeled important enough to be talked about during presidential debates? Topics such as terrorism and national security; the economy; jobs and employment; and the Affordable Care Act and Healthcare all managed to be the center of attention during all debates. What topics were almost entirely ignored? Topics such as gun policy; social issues like LGBT rights and abortion; and the environment and climate change were put to the side to instead talk about Hillary Clinton’s email scandal or the sexual assault charges brought up against Donald Trump. While terrorism and national security; the economy; jobs and employment; and the Affordable Care Act and Healthcare are all very important topics, but one topic that was ignored and should have been at the forefront of the debate was climate change. Issues like renewable energy, hydraulic fracking, anthropogenic greenhouse gases, and the Paris Agreement should have been hot topics during the three presidential debates. So why were they not? Both the Democrats and Republicans seemed to be more concerned with trying to make the opposing candidate look as bad as possible. However, climate change is not something that should be labeled as a Democratic or Republican problem, instead all political groups should be worried about this topic. Climate change can affect food production, water availability, wildlife and human health. Also, weather conditions such as storms, tornadoes, and earthquakes can damage roads, railroads,Show MoreRelatedPresidential Debate Over Presidential Debates947 Words  | 4 Pageselection in full throttle, Kennedy and Nixon’s presidential debates of 1960 are still very much a part of American democracy. Televised presidential debates have become a backbone in an American election. Although these deba tes are now considered a norm in American politics, this has not always the case. 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